A content is the key to attracting real and quality people. When what you post makes sense to others or helps solve their problems, rest assured you won a new user. However, for this 2019 there are new measures to consider. Know the ideal measures for digital content.

Too long or too short? Knowing the exact measure of what we should publish on different platforms is important. Let’s see what you have to keep in mind in number of words before publishing.

Ideal measure for content on Twitter

Despite the maximum number of characters allowed on Twitter, many believe that everyone should use it. However, for Buddy Media Group it should be 100 characters. One study indicated that these 100-character tweets have 17% more interaction.

Ideal measure for Facebook content

On Facebook we can write up to 2000 characters, but actually with about 40 is enough. This is stated by Jeff Bullas who analyzed the contents with different measures, resulting in this magic number.

Ideal measurement for a header content

Many studies explain that when reading content we focus on certain aspects. Among them are part of the text and all the headings. For them we hook better with only 6 words per title.

Ideal measurement for a post content

Since it is not so true, it is best to experiment. That’s why there are many studies on the ideal number of words for a post. Experts recommend maximum 1600 words or the equivalent of 7 minutes of reading.

The ideal content should have different measures depending on the type of platform where it will be reflected. This ensures a much better understanding of the message, but if and only if the content is of quality. The key is to write what others need to know to solve their problems quickly.

We have placed general but important information, but if you want to delve into this topic, we recommend you see this link with complete information about each type of platform.

I hope these guidelines can help you when you create your new content are our recommendations from the BPS Marketing team.


If you want to see more about our tips visit our channel on YouTube.

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