It doesn’t matter if you publish late, what matters is knowing how to publish…

Immortal words… of my own making.

Publishing on social networks is a fundamental task to capture your target audience. In addition to being a quality content this must have a set schedule.

Although many publish when they wish, the reality of each social network is different. To better understand this topic, the entire Business Partner Studio team has agreed to leave you with some tips for your publications to have a greater audience.

Schedule of publication by social network

When we have a good content, title and image to publish, the first thing we must do is see the clock. If we’re in time to send our post to a particular platform, then let’s do it. But if that’s not there yet, it’s best to wait.

Post on Twitter

It is best to post on this social network between 13:00 and 15:00. This applies only in the week. At 22:00 people go to watch television, but at 20:00 it is a great time to respond to your audience and promote subsequent publications.

Post on Facebook

The best hours are between 14:00 and 17:00 on working days. You can also try between 13:00 and 16:00. Friday is the best day to reach more target audiences.

Post on LinkedIn

This social network of professionals has its most impactful schedules. The best is 7:00 to 8:30 any day of the week. And on a schedule between 17:00 and 18:00 but only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Post on Instagram

Instagram is a more youthful platform and requires special schedules. It publishes working days between 17:00 and 18:00. But the two best days are Monday and Thursday at 20:00.

These publishing times may have variants depending on the account type and users. However, all these platforms have a statistical model where very interesting data are reflected. The key is to evaluate them and analyze the best publication times.

Depending on the platform you use or the one that suits you, always analyze these indicators. They better correct your publishing strategies by making them more accurate and effective.

I hope these tips are helpful to you, I am eager to know what you think, let me know your opinion in the comments 😎


If you want to see more about our tips visit our channel on YouTube.

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