The advantages of using videos to promote your products or services

When we use audiovisual support to promote products or services, it is known as video marketing. It is one of the strategies most used by experts who motivate the audience most strongly.

However, implementing this activity requires certain parameters. The result is a great opportunity to quickly impact many more people.

Why is video marketing important in business?

Video marketing opens an interactive and multimedia window for people to know your brand, product or service. Let’s learn how this digital experience influences your business:

  • Videos have become the format of greatest audience and acceptance on the internet.
  • If a video lasts more than two minutes and is really attractive, the user will stay as long as it lasts watching it, this increases the time of permanence on the web.
  • The result is shocking, the indicators that Google needs to rank increase satisfactorily.
  • Users appreciate receiving information from a video more because it is easy to digest and accept it.
  • In a video we can explain more comfortably and exemplify, the benefits of a product or service.
  • User increases their level of experience and learning.
  • A video lets you see reality by letting more people trust your brand, product or service.
  • Visual information is retained longer and more accurately than something written

Videos contribute more to SEO

A video generates a greater impact on the web positioning of a page. It is simple to understand and explain: when we have a video it requires titles, presentations, content. And all this is done with words, and when they are key SEO improves.

A video is a solution to differentiate yourself from your competitors and increase rankings. Google understands that the more time people spend watching your video is because it’s quality. In addition, viralizing on social media and other channels is much easier, making your product or service more recognized.

With all this we must add something important. Videos should have content that engages the audience. It must be well done and of impressive quality. Not only the message but how it is perceived, it must be well evaluated before doing so. Remember, a video stays in memory longer than another type of format.

At Marketing BPS we do our best to use every time we can videos on all our products we know that that boosts efforts and our offer comes faster to everyone. We hope you put it into practice as well.


If you want to see more about our tips visit our channel on YouTube.


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